Monday, November 7, 2011


November is the month of thanksgiving and gratitude. We forever look to what we are thankful on the outside: family, friends, health, etc. My challenge that I have been giving my classes this past week and through the balance of the month is finding inward gratitude...what are you thankful about yourself: strengths and weaknesses. What makes you, YOU? Focus on those characteristics this month and find appreciation and gratitude from within.

Some shamanic traditions in parts of Africa and the Oceanic societies attend to health and well-being through what is called "cradling work", a four-part practice in staying connected to the good, true, and beautiful aspects of one's nature. In cradling work we lie on our back and place both hands over our heart (in many cultures hands symbolize healing). Silently, we acknowledge the character qualities that we appreciate about ourselves, we acknowledge our strengths, we acknowledge the contributions that have been made and continue to be made, and we acknowledge the love given and the love received. - Angeles Arrien in "The Four-Fold Way"

Use the rest of the month to focus on all the things you love about you!!! Have gratitude to yourself ~ you deserve it.

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